(Meta)data texting in {ggplot2}

(Meta)data texting in {ggplot2}


To celebrate that I am now an RStudio Certified Trainer in the Tidyverse, I will deliver a little-extended version of the lesson I prepared for my exam: “(Meta)data texting in {ggplot2} - an introduction to the usage of text with axes, legends, points, and plots.” This thirty-minute hands-on will introduce you to the useful tools available in {ggplot2} to start exploring in practice how to use text in plots and have the basics for your own in-depth study.

Short training in the Tidyverse
Zoom-Meeting (link provided to participants)
Click on the buttons above to Book a free-seat (20 spaces overall).
Corrado Lanera
Research Fellow (RTD-A), data scientist, and trainer